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A qr generator simplifies the process of creating qr codes by allowing users to input the desired information and generating the corresponding qr code image.

What is qr generator?

A qr generator simplifies the process of creating qr codes by allowing users to input the desired information and generating the corresponding qr code image.

Qr generator is easy to use,just follow the steps carefully -

1. Enter your data on the above form.

2. Enter the current key obtained from the telegram bot.

3. Click on generate button, then you will be redirected to another page.

4. After 40 sec you will get a token, copy this token and put it in android app.

5. Done ! you can see qr code in our app.

What is access key?

Access key is a code that was created for security purposes. You need this key to use all of our free services.

How to get access key? just follow the steps carefully -

1. Click on access-key button, it will open a telegram bot for you.

2. Click on the start button and join all giveng channels.

3. After joining all channels click on joined button then click on access key button.

4. Done ! You can see current access key.